01 . Any type of users (Beginners or Experts for API testing) can easily adopt to the user-interface and testing process by using "soap-UI" for couple of hours. And now i'm expert at this software.02. By defining variables, you can customize parameter values without hard coding the values in whole test-case.03. You can also use external data sheets to retrieve data to your executions.04. You can simply send/receive multiple API calls and responses from different API's by just executing a single test suite.05. Soap-UI provides very large scale of testing methods. examples : Load testing and Functional testing methods including security tests's.06. SoapUI Open Source product is totally free for anyone who interested in web-service testing and also SoapUI Pro version gives you three types of reporting methods (Printable , Data Export , HTML Reports). I have used all of these versions personally. It's amazing.
I believe the program was written in Java and has a huge fault when we use it. One of our SOAP services has 100+ endpoints, so much so that SoapUI can't handle loading sample requests for the entire endpoint and will freeze the computer. We have never been able to find a workaround for this. It works fine for our smaller services but once the services get big with large requests, it will crash 1/4 or 1/3 of the way through its loading.
Soapui Pro 4.0.1 Free
Hi Harinder,Thank You for sharing such valuable information. I was trying to record SoapUi through loadrunner but in spite of entering the paths that you mentioned soapui does not open when i click ok to record. I am using vugen to do my scripting and therfore have modified the paths but cannot figure out the problem. Can you suggest what mind be the problem?Thanks
Hi Harinder,Thank you for your reply. I am using SoapUI version 4.0.1. I will have to check it if its 32 bit or 64 bit and will give it one more try. Also, I had one more question for you. i was trying to run the sample request (which gives me a valid response in SoapUI) but the response in LR shows that it has rejected the same request when i run it through web services protocol saying some arguments are missing. Also, i tried to run this xml using web_custom_request as i have done with other services but it gives me the Error -27226: The "" argument (number 8) is unrecognized or misplaced. I have tried some variations with it and given the request the name as it shows in SoapUI but not able to get rid of this error. Is there any solution to this problem?Appreciate your help!!Thanks
Hi There,There isn't much information for me to really help you. What kind of investigation have you done on your own?For example,1: Does SoapUI crashes on its own?2: Are you using 32bit or 64bit SoapUI application?3: Have you looked at the memory footprint when you are invoking SoapUI through Loadrunner?4: What is the max heap size for the SoapUI JVM and how much memory do you have on your machine?5: Are you using loadrunner micexec.exe application to invoke SoapUI?6: What version of Loadrunner are you using(9.5/11/11.5)?7: Does the free version of SoapUI also crashes? (Assuming you have licensed SoapUI Pro)
Obtenez gratuitement soapUI 5.7 dans notre logithèque. SoapUI-4.5.1.exe, soapUI-3.6.1.exe, soapUI-4.0.1.exe, soapUI-4.5.2.exe et soapUI-4.5.0.exe sont les noms les plus courants pour les fichiers d'installation du programme.